Yesterday promised to be a quiet day with lots of time for sewing. I did have to do some bookkeeping, since the accountant was coming today for the year end of the farm. So far so good. But then there was a knock on the door. A big box with things from Holland was finally delivered. When my mother passed away in January, we had to clean out her appartment and I had some things I wanted to have send over. The box about 100 by 90 by 60 cm. was send by air and took 4 days from Holland to Waterloo. The last 50 km took 10 DAYS. But when I got everything unpacked nothing was broken. This quilt was one of my first ones and I made it for my parents, who had it on a wall for over 12 years and it is still in good condition. I used a collection of neck ties from friends and family members, both in Holland and Canada. The piece of paper with all the names was still attached to the back. It was sobering to see how many had passed away since the quilt was made.

During the unpacking I realized that our dog was not herself and we ended up taking her to the vet. clinic. She is quite sick with an infection and is still there on i.v.
Since it was on our way, we drove on and picked up our seed corn. By the time we got home it was supper time. Then hubby decided we should go to the local farm show and there went the evening. So no sewing got done. Today was a little better. The accountant is gone and there is an hour yet before I have to start supper.
I like to keep my amarillis bulbs from year to year. I planted some at the end of January and the first one is blooming with 2 others to come soon.
This one even has a second flower coming up. These blooms and the sun outside make all the difference. Now we know, that spring cannot be far away. Today I noticed the daffodils coming up.
Love that tie quilt. More so that is has such an attachement to your family. I fisrt liked it as a flying geese quilt. (I then wondered, if those were thrifted ties, would I still like it - probably not, but I love the family connection.)
ReplyDeleteLove it! (the Calico Cat sent me). What inspired you to use neckties? Was it specifically to memorialize loved ones? Okay if I blog about it? I have a new blog about sewing with neckties