Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Year's End
This has been a year of up and downs.
My mother passed away the first week of January. Although she was almost 92 years old, she was in reasonably good health. She passed away very suddenly and it came as a big shock to the whole family. It meant a fast trip over Holland for the funeral.
Then in the beginning of June I spend a week in St. John's, Newfoundland for Quilt Canada. This was the second time I was teaching and it is always fun, but very tiring.
Next came the wedding of Shawn and Emily. It was a big party with a big tent on the front lawn of her parent's farm. Here is a picture of the couple in front of the canola. The whole farm was put in canola and everybody hoped that the weather would cooperate and it would be a sea of yellow around the farm. And it did work out. Right now the couple is back in a cold Alberta.
Then in October we were given the opportunity to buy another farm with a big, almost new house. It did not take us long to decide, and 3 weeks ago we moved in. At first it was very strange, but we are starting to get used to it.
As you can see, Laurence has been busy putting his collection of farm toys away. And yes, I'm aware that he is, like most farmers, color blind when it comes to farm equipment, is it big or small. Most farmers favor a certain color and in our place it is green and yellow.
We had a lovely time over the holidays. First a day with family, then a day with friends. There was lots to eat and we had a lot of fun. For some, it was just too much and they needed a rest.
We have had the strangest weather over the last week, from snow to rain the gale force winds to ice.
Christmas Day and Boxing Day were fine, but Saturday it started to rain and with the high temperatures the snow and ice disappeared very fast. There were a lot of wet basements. We were fine, because our house stands on a small rise. Then Sunday more hard winds and at times no hydro. But things have improved. The weather is cold, but clear , the hydro is back on and the Internet is working.
I'm still sitting in our farm house. With all the repairs there still was no time to hook us up. And yes, it is still cold in here. We did clean the house and it looks like we have the place rented out too.Time to find a warmer place.
Wishing everybody out there a very Happy 2009!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Papercut blocks
The day we moved it seemed that each a certain role. One of my friends is involved with interior decorating and she walked around with an electric drill to hang things up.
Once my Hoosier cabinet was in place she decided that it was the place for my Hindelooper and Workumer pieces.
My mother grew up near the town of Hindelopen. This is a small town in the north of Holland with a very distinctive folk art, developed over the centuries.
I still remember a room in a grandparents house,full of painted furniture. Now I do not have any large pieces, but over the years I gathered a nice collection of smaller items. They were scattered all over the house, but this looks much better. On the bottom shelf is stoneware from Workum, a town close to Hindelopen. This mostly brown and green pottery has been made for centuries, but a few years ago the factory closed. Over the years my parents would bring smaller pieces over. A few of the larger flower pots have returned to dust, because they do break easily.
We are slowly getting used to our new house. But the computer is still at the old house, so while I'm doing this in the cold, hubby is packing the last of his John Deere toys. Tomorrow I'm going to Ikea for 2 more glass fronted book cases. That should do it
Than it is up to him to get them all on display.
I did have to make a few samples for my new Papercut workshop. I will teach that one in the new year at Greenwood Quiltery.
I promise to update my list for the next year soon.
At the end of January I will teach 4 workshops for my guild. This will be the start of another quilt for the Mennonite Relief Sale. This time it will be a very traditional one with paper cut-outs. and these samples will be used for the workshops.
It's getting too cold here. We hope that we will have our new installation soon.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Finally.....the move
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Still more moving..... and more snow
Now back to some more packing. Next thing on the list are my "good" dishes. For somebody, who can be clumsy at times , that can be stressfull.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Stuff.....and more stuff
We are still moving. I thought that moving all the toy tractors of Laurence's collection was a big job, but I was wrong. I never realized how much you can stuff into a quilt room.
Last week we took a table over and after my workshop last Saturday in Newmarket I dropped the quilts of on my way home. That was the beginning. The problem (or maybe not) is the fact that we are moving to a bigger house with a bigger quilt room. The "big " move is over a week away, but I like to have all the smaller things there by then, so carload by carload we take it over.
You might wonder why it is all stacked in the center of the rooms, but next week the walls will be painted a lighter color and this way we can get around.
All Laurence keeps saying :Do you really need this????? Who knows, but I might in the future at some point. And we all know what will happen. Once a piece of fabric is gone,
you will need it....guaranteed.
Now on to something else. When we were still milking cows, we used to have different agricultural students for the summer or at times longer. Most were from Holland, but one was from Finland and one from France. We had some great times with these young guys. Some we still have contact with. From one of them I received a package yesterday. A few months ago he had send me a card with information about an upcoming quilt show at the Fries Museum in Leeuwarden, close to where I grew up. He send me all the information he could this time. He did not pursue a career in agriculture, but works at the museum in security.
When I left Friesland in 1970 I had never heard of quilts. Things have changed. There are a lot of quilters, even my sister-in-law. After her trip here last summer she found a local group and has been working up a storm, Just today I got pictures of her first finished quilt and some gifts she had made for Sinterklaas. Back to the Quilt Show. It looks to be an amazing show with lots of antique samples. You know what? If I did not have to move I would consider going over.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008
All for the want of a needle
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Indian Summer
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
A quilt with a story
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Corn harvest

Thursday, October 16, 2008
After a few wonderful sunny days during the week-end we are back to fall weather with rain and c0oler temperatures. Time to clean out the garden and bring the begonia and calla bulbs in. Yesterday was guild and I was gone for most of the day.I usually have a long list of things to do.
I did stay for both meetings, because we started the sign-up for the next MCC quilt. I will give 4 workshops in January and at the end of the day each participant will get a kit with pattern and fabric. For home work they will have to hand applique the block or piece of the border and out of all those pieces I hope to come up with quilt.
I did manage to finish my crazy quilt block. This is number two of four, but the rest will have to wait. I like to start on a block, but seem to run out of steam during the process. Either I cannot come up with more stitches for the border or I cannot find the right laces. And that with boxes of "stuff " I have gathered over the years.
Right now I'm working on some gifts for Christmas. Yes, I know I'm early, but the time is now or it will not get done. Then I have to finish a small quilt top Jenny made with old pieces of fabric she bought at grandma's sale.
We have a visitor right now and as you can see, she is not very happy. She misses her owners, who are going to the "Sheep and Shear" Festival in New York State.
It usually takes a few days for her to get used to our place. We have to watch her, because she has discovered that there is a big yard to run around in. Trouble is, that she is not very good in coming back, what worries me. So as long as her owners are not here, she will stay on the leash.That's why the sad look on her face.
Laurence is doing much better and is back to doing the chores. The beans are combined, the wheat planted, a field has been tiled, so now it is waiting for the corn to dry some more before the combining.
Lately I have been using Picassa for the pictures and it has been a hit and miss process. The uploading of the pictures I can do, but after that with the text I have problems getting it published. So let's hope it will work this time.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
White beans
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