It is cold in the old house. The computer is still here, so this will be short and sweet.
Other years I love to make a lot of floral arrangements, but this year I just did not have the energy .
I saw something like this on t.v. and it was easy enough to make a few.
I put a round piece of fabric (found at Len's Mills in Hawkesville for a few dollars). I put it around a pint canning jar and puffed it out some. It is held around the rim with an elastic.
Most of the greenery is from around here, the carnations I bought. It was fun and easy.

I have been working on some sashiko . My plan was to do some piecing in the center, but when I went to the store for more fabric, it was all gone. So my second plan was to use some of the koi fabric
I found during our move. It fitted with some sashiko around it. This is the full width of the fabric, about 13 inches
I like to put co-ordinating fabric on the back and found a small piece with really small fish in the right color.
But this will be it.
Tomorrow Jeanette and Tony are coming. I will have to get cleaning and cooking. And then we will have company for Christmas Day and Boxing Day.
For both days we will have smaller groups then we used to have.
Wishing everybody beautiful Christmas and all the beast for 2009
Merry Christmas to you and your family Renske.