Not much got done this week! I ended up with a bad cold and a sore throat,but today I finally feel like doing something again. What I did finish, slowly over the last few days, was this quilt for my son.
Last fall he let me know, that the quilt I made for him to take to college was in tatters and he would not mind another one to replace it.
I decided to make do with what I had on hand and try something different.Try the "quilt as you go" method. This quilt is 93 by 93 inches and there is not one hand stitch in it.With fabrics I had on hand I made the 121/2 inch blocks. 4 were sewn together with strips. These bigger blocks were machine quilted,after which these bigger blocks also were put together using fabric strips.

The border pieces were also quilted before they were sewn to the quilt with narrow strips. I learned a lot making this quilt, mostly things that did not work. But what is the most important after all this......he likes it and will take it home after supper.
Now it will be back to some hand applique.Four more cranes are waiting to be appliqued and I think I'm ready for them now.
Wow--nice work for a week with a cold! Glad you're starting to feel better. I'm interested to hear more about what you learned while doing the quilt-as-you-go method.