Here she is wearing a pullover , that was knitted by my aunt Ietje in Holland. She made it for Jeanette, when she was a baby. I had kept it in the cedar chest and it came out as new. Now Evelyn is wearing something her great, great aunt knitted.
And yes, we were very tired once she left us.
I wanted a few more samples and the first one was this small cloth, used to wrap a present. It shows a bridge with blooming cherry trees.
I planned a border with similar branches with cherry blossoms.
Next I drew the branches and some of the leaves with pencil.
I was not sure where I wanted the flowers and the easiest for me was to draw a bunch of blooms, cut the out and start putting them on the freezer paper.
These flowers I drew with a heavy magic marker. Once the pattern is finished I will put it on my light table. By making the lines heavy I can see them through my dark blue border fabric and it is easy to draw them with a white pencil or pen. .
I'm almost done and so far my shoulder is o.k. I do take my time though
Your Granddaughter is adorable and your Sashiko is lovely.