I have taught a beginner sashiko workshop for a few years now and I always thought, that I could make a better one with a larger variety of stitches.
Once I found this small pannel I had bought a few years ago I had an idea.
I found a matching piece of very dark blue for the sashiko and just the right thread.
One problem.....There was not much left.
This perle cotton I have had for a long time. The first time I saw it was in a package of 3 different threads from Sassalyne, sold by Anita Sobens. I liked it so well, that she managed to get me a whole skein and over the years I have used it in all kinds of projects. But to all good things comes an end!

I had lots of the white, thinner thread. Since it was too bright I dyed it in some strong tea and it turned out the right color.
I started with the 4 inch design at the top on the left and worked my way around, keeping a close eye on my thread.
Once the squares were finished I worked on the ginko leaves. Still there was some left.
The design on the right came next and by the time I did the small design at the top I had about 5 inches left as you can see in the picture at the top.
In the meantime I have found a few more small pannels I bought in Japan. I never knew what to do with them, but some of them might look nice with a border with sashiko.
This has been a good month. My monthly block was finished in 2 weeks, then the baby quilt for Jenny and now this wall hanging.
Next week it will be back to another block.
On another note, we did get some much needed rain. The crops have perked up, but we will need more to keep everything growing.
The wheat harvest is over and the straw is in the barn. I did my annual tractor driving, but this year it was with less comfort. No air conditioning, no cab and no radio. I drove Laurence's 40 year old, "new" tractor. After 2 trips to the field I did something to it and he could not get it started again. I figured I would be out of a job, but no luck. Yesterday we finished and I think by now I know how to drive this tractor. Just don't ask me how next year.
Now it is of to the races.....or better to the antique tractor show in Grand Valley. I promised to go along and I better keep my word!
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