For a few weeks I had been after Laurence to help me get some mulch for the flower beds with no result. So when he wondered early Saturday morning if it would suit, I dropped everything and away we went. The place we go to only delivers loads of more then 10 cubic yard, what was too much for us. Instead we hooked up the manure spreader and drove to the farm 15 km from here. Once home again it took some time to get it unloaded. That's where it stayed the rest of the week-end, since we were busy with other things.
Laurence bought last year another tractor, a 4020 John Deere. I call it his big boy toy, he calls it working equipment

Nevertheless this 4020 had to go to a small tractor show in Millbank. This was a show for what is called New Generation John Deere tractors from the early seventies. He drove it there on Thursday afternoon with me picking him up. On Saturday I had to go along again, so after the show he could drive the tractor home.
Since we did go out for supper at Anna Mae's, a well known local restaurant , I did not mind it that much. I can only see so many tractors and it gets boring. But I think that Laurence thinks the same about quilts.
This is as far as the tractor got on its way home, right beside our farm sign. Right now it is back in the shed,where it belongs.
Last week I showed a picture of a cup with fabric, some dye and ice cubes.

This fabric is the result. The pieces on the right had been dyed in a pale pink years ago and I never used it. I over dyed it with fuchia and I got what I wanted for a later project. I love the piece on the left, even with the large white spots.
I like to try it again, but next time I will use the hammer on the ice cubes, so I get smaller pieces. The hardest part for me was the 24 hour wait.

Monday morning early I tried another dyeing technique, also out of the Fabric Arts magazine. Laurence found me an old table in the back shed and drove it up for me. First came a layer of plastic, then fabric ( which had been in a soda ash solution for 1/2 hour). Dye powder was mixed with water and poured on the fabric and worked in . This fabric was covered with plastic , than another piece of fabric was added. I did this 6 times and then let it cure for 24 hours in the hot sun. I was barely finished or Laurence came back from doing chores and he wondered if he could help move the mulch. Oh wonders!
We spread a big part till it got too hot, some more in the evening and the rest early Tuesday morning. As we speak, the plants I bought last week have all been planted , the cement drive way has been cleaned and the mulch is looking great.

Also on Tuesday I washed out the fabric.It took a lot of water to get all the extra dye out and here you can see the results.
It's o.k, but these colors are not as nice as the ones above. Now I have to say, that some of my dyes are getting older and might not work as well as fresh ones would do.
We are here in a heat wave. And we are very , very dry. It is at the point, where the crops are starting to suffer. Forecast is for some showers tomorrow and we would welcome those with open arms.
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