Meet our new house guest, Abner the bassett. Shawn and Emily came back to Ontario very early Wednesday morning with the dog. They will stay here with us till their furniture arrives. They have found a place close by that they can rent till they find a house they like. It all seems to work out.
The weather has not improved. Rain and more rain. Now the forecast is, that next week it will be sunny and hot. Better keep our fingfers crossed!
The only sunny day this past week was Sunday.
That was the day of the airing of the quilts in Ailsa Craig. The morning started out wet and later cloudy, but by early afternoon it was warm and sunny. We made it by mid afternoon and while Laurence was of doing something else I wandered through town to see the quilts.

It is a fun way to display quilts,even if they were blowing in the breeze. Most were of a traditional design, but I found this one hanging on a white picket fence and it clearly had been influenced by the work of John Willard. Later I found out, that it was started in a workshop by John.
My trunkshow started at 4.30 and I was very relieved, when I found out I could do it in English.
The potluck after was very good with a lot of great food. I was too busy eating to take pictures.

On Wednesday I went back to see the show and meet some of the Dutch quilters. The quilts were beautiful with quilts in all shapes and sizes.And it was very busy. By that time you could call it already a success I think.
I did spend some of my money at the 2 Dutch quilt stores, who had booths there.
I loved the red, blue and white fabric Maaike Bakker brought over and I have used the fabrics from DeHaan and Wagemakers before. Both places were doing very well as far as I could see.
From there it was to Quilt Canada in London to the opening of the National Juried show. More about that next time. Tomorrow is the Relief Sale in New Hamburg and the feature quilt is Plain and Fancy.

Let's hope that the weather will change and we will have sunshine.
Our soybeans are still in the bags and it will take a few warm and sunny days before we can get back on the land. Behind the house the lawn looks like a pasture. It has been too wet to mow and with this cool and wet weather the grass just keeps on growing.
Your wallhanging "Memories" on the cover of the National Juried Show Guide 2011 is lovely, but in person is wonderful!
ReplyDeleteHello Renske, how nice to see ourselves on your blog! It was very nice meeting, and I hope we will see eachother again some day. I will add you to my bloglist!
ReplyDeleteVia het weblog van Elsbeth Wallenburg kwam ik op Uw website terecht. Mijn naam is Rita Sijtsma en quilt al meer dan 20 jaar, woon in Sneek, Friesland en vind Uw werk ontzettend mooi. Blij dat ik dit mag lezen. Hartelijke groet uit Friesland. Rita