It has been a busy week so far. On Monday the quilts for the Ontario Juried Quilt Show were judged and in the evening I got a call, telling me that I had won 2 awards. The official opening was the next day, but I could not attend.

At the same time I gave a lecture/trunkshow at the Church Theatre in St. Jacobs. Here you can see me in action. Yes, I did piece a few quilts, but it is not my favorite activity. Afterwards I drove to the RIM Centre and got there in time to hear, that I had also won the Judge's Choice of Bonny Browning.

Longevity, or as I call it"The Crane Quilt" received best hand quilting. Since I'm not able to quilt because of back and shoulder problems (I was diagnozed with scholiosis at 4 and have had problems my whole life) I made a choice. I can only spend a small amount of time each day stitching, so I decided to make applique my priority and get the hand quilting done. I do some machine quilting, but only in very short bursts.Back to the quilt.This quilt was different. Part of the quilting is "normal", part is done sashiko style. I asked Florence Moncur from my guild and she was willing to tackle this. She has over 60 years of quilting experience and was up for the challenge. A few times I would get a call, but it all worked out. So this award will go to Florence, here on the right.

My other entry, Winter Breakfast received the award for best small quilt and the judge's choice.
Tuesday evening I did not see much of the show. All I did was talk to all the people I knew. So after my talk in St. Jacobs yesterday I went back and had a good look around. I liked what I saw, lots of quilts from all over.
On my way home I stopped again in St. Jacobs and saw the quilts at the Mennonite Church. Some will go to the Relief Sale on Saturday.
There was also a very good selection of quilts made a by group of 10 friends, who meet weekly.
Now no more quilts till Saturday, when we will be going to the Mennonite Relief Sale in New Hamburg .I cannot miss, because I have to get my yearly fix of herring on a bun!! I think Laurence might come along this year. The weather has been great and all the soybeans have been planted.
My job today will be to mow the lawn.With this warm weather it grows with leaps and bounds and the dandelions are doing very well.
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