This has been a busy week. I was gone for a few days to give a workshop and a trunkshow and once home again we had the accountant here to go over the farm books. But that's all over for the time being. It does not look like it is Good Friday outside. We have snow again and it is cold and windy. I have to go out for my walk yet, but I will wait till Laurence goes up the road to do the chores. He can take me with him and I can walk home with the wind in my back.

This week I have finished my hexagons with sashiko. Everything has been basted unto paper and

now I will have to sew it all together by hand. That will have to wait till I come back from the next set of workshops/trunkshows next week.
I ended up with 2 extra pieces of sashiko. The one was not big enough and the other I cut out on the wrong angle. So I made these 2 cards, using some Japanese looking fabric I had on hand. The cards are about 5 by 8 inches.
Next week I will be gone for 4 days, so this might not get updated till I will be back. I hope to have some pictures of warmer weather and blooming daffodils.
To everybody I wish you a wonderful time at Easter.
I really like these hexagons and the way you put them together. Even a NON math person like me could do this. Thank You