This morning I put the border on, so now it is back to my other project.
Once that has been stitched together I'm ready to start with the landscape I drew up of the farm in Friesland where I grew up.
I could not find the right color fabric for the bricks and tiles on the roof, but I finally found those on Saturday at the Creative Sewing Show in Toronto.
I had not been there for many years and I enjoyed seeing all the new things that are available.
Even I stocked up on some new threads, which I used for this landscape.
Now it is back to the flower beds. We have had some gorgeous weather and the daffodils are blooming. It is almost time to get the plants to put in my large pots and urns. I always like them to sit for a few weeks before I put them outside.
And Laurence is busy working up the first fields. In a few days it should be dry and warm enough to put the first corn in the ground.Than it will get busy for the next few months.
And last week I received some good news. Both my entries in the Ontario Juried Show have been accepted, so I better get busy and put the sleeves on and make up the labels, my least favorite part of making a quilt. It seems I only get it done if there is a reason to, like the quilt going to the show
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