Every year, in the fall, the Waterloo County Quilters Guild has a bee day where we make quilts for children with serious illnesses. The quilts are called "smile quilts" and are delivered to the hospital in Kitchener. In the last 5 years our guild has provided over 450 quilts. Once at the hospital,they are distributed by the nursing staff.

We were provided with a pattern beforehand, but it is up to us to decide want to make. Over the years I have bought a collection of animal prints and each year I make at least one quilt. This year's sample you can see here. I have to buy some flanel for the back before I can machine quilt it.

As you can see there was a good turn-out and a lot of work was accomplished.
Yesterday I had to teach in Mount Forest, only 30 minutes from here and Saturday it is back to Orangeville. This all keeps me hopping. At home we are still combining. It is muddy, so far so good.I have not had the dreaded call "we are stuck".
It is a relieve, when finally all the crops are in and we can settle in for the winter. There are lots of projects waiting for the time when there will be less interuptions.
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