On Friday evening my husband and I went to the New Hamburg arena to see the quilts. For quite a few years, that was all that there was to do, but more people came out each year, so more activities were added over the last few years. First we had some of each of the 4 food groups, sausage on a bun, French fries, pie and icecream. Duly fortified we walked to the arena.

The quilts are hanging on racks, covered with plastic. As you can see, that was necessary. A lot of people could not help themselves and had to touch the different fabrics in the quilt.Right before the quilt is sold, the plastic will come of.

The pictures I took inside the arena did not turn out very well. My digital camera is just not good enough.Our quilt A Bird's Eye View is ready to be sold. 2 mattresses have been bolted on a revolving frame and the quilts are displayed on one of the mattresses. While one is sold, a new one is draped over the other side.This was the time we had waited for. Would it all be worthwhile? It was!
The quilt, this year's feature, sold for the top price of $11.100 to Carl Hiebert. It were Carl's aerial photographes we had interpreted on the quilt. What an ending of a great project. Right after the sale Carl left for Vancouver. As I enter this he is driving on an old tractor across Canada, stopping along the way to take pictures and to talk to Canadian farmers.He plans to put it all in his new book.

A view of the narrow rows with the plastic covered quilts.In total 286 quilts were sold, from crib quilts to king size quilts.Those quils totalled $187.245. If you combine this with the food, craft, other auctions and plant sale, the event raised more than $380.000. This is the highest over the 40 years.

Finally I leave you with another picture of the sale. Behind the quilt to be auctioned, you can see the quilt made for the 35th anniversary. A group of local businessmen bought this quilt and donated it back to the committee.Since that time this quilt is hung behind the platform during the sale.