The next few weeks will be very busy. In 2 weeks I will be going to Calgary, first to visit Shawn and Emily and then it is on the Quilt Canada.
The 2 entries in the NJS have been shipped, so that is one less worry. Now it is on to getting the kits and patterns ready. Yesterday I spend time in Elmira to make all my copies and the next step will be to put it all together.
This morning I had to get ready for my trip to the London Friendship Quilters Guild, where I will be giving a trunk show tonight and a workshop, small landscapes, tomorrow. Laurence just took the big suitcase down and put it in the back of the car, so everything is in place. I have a list and as I put things in the car, I tick them of. By the time all the ticks are in place, everything should be in the car. Up to now it has worked.

I am still working on my crazy patch. I am getting mighty tired of it, but the end is in sight. By this time the table is a big mess. I love to clean it all up, but just 3 more patches to go! Block number 4 will have to wait till the fall.
We have had fantastic weather over Easter, warm enough to sit outside. Neighbour Harold, who is in his eighties, loves to tell you about the time ,he was able to seed grain in March. Laurence always thought it would be special to be able to do that. Well, this would have been the year. It was too bad, that the tractor was at the dealers and did not make it back till April. He did seed some spring wheat, but he was 2 days late.
Now it is back to cooler and rainy weather. The daffodils are in full bloom and the pansies look great out in the flowerbed. I realize, that we might get some snow yet, but they can handle that.
Below you can see my re-blooming Christmas cactus. I bougth it last fall as a very tiny plant. Right now it is in bloom and there are lots of buds.
Now it is backto getting kits ready!

I so enjoyed your presentation at the LFQG last night!! Very interesting and fun. I have seen your name on quilts quite often and saw the postcard quilt last year in St. Jacob's. Beautiful quilts!