Finally the post card quilt is gone. I took it Friday to Waterloo. It will go to our guild meeting on Wednesday and then it will go the quilt Committee for the Mennonite Relief Sale. Picture taking has been set up.
Next time I will show a few of the individual cards.
I always love to start on a new project, but I'm also very glad ,when I can take it out of here. Now it is time to think of the next one.
The first workshops are scheduled for the coming week.
I know, that this is a few days late, but there were reasons.
The weather has been very snowy and very,very cold. And since the computer is still on the farm, it is a chore to do this, since we keep the house fairly cold.
It will have to change soon. The house has been rented out, so we have to be out of here.
The past week was the "farmer's meetings" week for Laurence. He was gone every day with the car. Since I did not relish the thought of getting stuck here with the truck and having to walk home, I just did not bother.
But this afternoon he decided to take his snowmobile out for a spin ,so here I am
Now it is my week to be gone. First for a trunkshow and a workshop at the Niagara Guild That means ,that I get to stay overnight at Jenny's She even will go with me that evening, the first time a family member will hear me speak.
You might wonder about a label. That is coming, but I was asked to keep that of, till after the official pictures are taken of both sides.And you know me and writing anything....... unless I have to it won't happen. I have been busy making a few baby quilts. Or let's say quilts meant for babies. Both aredifferent and do not have the normal baby colors. They are ready for machine quilting.

I am so impressed. The quilt is wonderful.
ReplyDeleteCan you now please review the history of the quilt for us. (I've forgotten.)
Are the post cards made of fabric? Were they mailed to you from all the counties shown?
Any details will be appreciated.
Renske, The Quilt is Beautiful as always. Thank you for sharing it