Another week, another snow storm. Yesterday morning Laurence left early to go to a meeting in London, Ontario that is. When I had to go into town an hour later I discovered that the conditions were very poor. I did manage to turn around and looking at the tops of the trees and the hydro wires I kept the truck on the middle of the road and made it home. Fortunately nobody else was on the road at that time. I asked Laurence to stay in town, but it did not look too bad down there, so he started out. Things got worse fast and after 8 hours driving through whipping snow he had to stop in a town 15km for here for the night. And a cold night it was ,down to -26C. When my mother-in-law quit driving she gave me a very heavy blanket, that she carried in her car for years.It did come in handy last night. By midnight the storm was over, but no roads were plowed till early this morning. And who drove in at 7 this morning, hungry, cold and sleepy, but dear hubby. On his way he saw a propane truck on its side and a small car, stuck in the middle of the road. The snowplow had just gone around it. No time to stop for that till later. Now a day later, it is beautiful and sunny out, but still cold. In the meantime everything went well at home. We have a generator, so power was no problem and than we have a trusty old wood stove.

Every time I give a workshop where we make 3d flowers I drop my samples in a box. Last week I looked in the box and found about a dozen roses. I needed a few gifts and found the right pattern in Romancing with Ribbons, a book by Elly Sienkiewicz. First I made the 2 pillows, both to be given away.

Next came the 2 small quilts. This fall our guild will have their bi-annual show and we were asked to make small quilts, not more that 15 by 15 inches , for the silent auction. Since I had all the stuff out anyway, it did not take me long the make these 2. The rest of the flowers went back in the box for now.And yes, the quilts are square.My picture taking can stand some improvement.
Today it is back to some machine quilting.
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