Just in case you wonder what my husband is up to while I'm doing quilt related things I have some pictures for you here. For years he has been interested in antique John Deere tractors. Ove the years he bought different ones, some all restored and some in very rough shape. One cost $150 to buy, but an awfull lot more to fix up.Some he likes to use for the small jobs around the farm.

So while I was trying to dye fabric last week, he got ready to take some tractors to the yearly show in Drayton, about a 15 minute drive from here.Back to the fabric. I have dyed some fabric before, but never had the idea that I knew what I was doing. So after this dye session I signed up for the Basic Dyeing Workshop at the Quilt University(www.QuiltUniveristy.com). It is a 4 week course and I just finished lesson 3. And I'm learing a lot I will show pictures after the last lesson is done.

Laurence usually uses the "new" tractor with the trailer to haul the tractors, including a bulldozer, so he can leave everyting in town. That way the truck is still available. The first job is to wash and polish the tractors.

Once at the fair grounds each tractor has its place. This year it was the "Year of the A", so ours was in a line-up with similar tractors. It is a fun week-end, even for me, more of a horse person than a tractor person.
But now it is back to work. Yesterday we started the wheat harvest. So far the weather is cooperating, but the sky looks threatening. This also means, that a big part of the summer is over.
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