At the guild meeting in May we received instructions for making 2 pieced blocks.These blocks were due in June and would be put together and form the quilt for our raffle in 2007. Although not a hard pattern I had problems getting the blocks the right size. So....I decided that I needed some piecing experience. Since the quilt on our bed is about 15 years old and an ugly brown( but still in very good shape), it was time to piece another from scraps that I had on hand.

This double nine patch is the result.The piecing is still not great, but it is getting better. Yesterday I took it in to Creative Sisters in Waterloo to have it machine quilted.

The wall hanging was started in a workshop by Loraine Roy. It was all done with small cut up pieces of fabric, sprinkled on a background with netting over top to hold it in place. I enjoyed this part, but had trouble when it came to the machine quilting. I don't know how many needles I broke, so part way finished I gave up and put it aside. A year later I found it again and ,with more broken needles, I quilted the rest.
Today is a rainy day here in Ontario.But did we ever need the rain! Hubby left early this morning to help with an agricultural meeting, so this was the day to try and dye some fabric. I'm a novice and make lots of mistakes. At times I get more on myself then on the fabric. Right now it is all curing in little baggies. In a few hours we will see if the end results are worth all the work. If it works out I will show a picture of the results next week.
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