Summer is on the way and things are growing fast. We have had enough rain and some heat and the flowerbeds are a riot of color.
This small iris I bought on sale last year and this was the first flower. I love the color.
This climbing rose did well last year. The year before I cut it all back in the fall and it took a year to get over my mistake. Last fall I did nothing and just cut back the dead branches this spring and there are lots of blooms already.
I took most of my orchids outside and put them in the gazebo,, where they can get light but are out of the sun. Not sure this will work, but I hope it will.

The blooming ones are still inside, including this one. This is the fourth time it blooms and I love the color.
But now something else. Before I went on my trip to the Ottawa area I had some trouble with my forearms. I did not think much of it, but by the time I came back the pain was worse.
Now I'm told it is tendonitis and I have to take it easy till the pain is gone. Now how do you take it easy at this time of the year? All of Laurence's siblings and family will come here at the beginning of August for grandma's 90th birthday and I like to have the place look kind of decent. My plan is to take care of the house and gardens as well as I can and let the quilting part go for a while till my arms feel better.
But I did come up with a plan. When putting my quilts back on the bed, where they are stored I realized that for most of them I do not even have a picture, especially the older ones. And to my shame I have to admit, that unless the quilt went to a show, no labels either!
On Friday my camera will return and I will start taking pictures of all my quilts. Each week I will high light one with a short story. And I will continue to talk about anything worthwhile that happens around here.

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