Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Blooms and more
Friday evening was craft night here at Lauren Farms. Jenny came over for the week-end and my friend Lois and her husband came for supper and then it was time to make our sock
monkeys. Jenny had found the red heeled socks at a store in St. Catherines and with help of a book and some other instructions we were on our way.
Part way through we realized that it would have gone way faster if we had used the machine for part of it. We did not get it all finished, but we had a lot of fun. On my trip to town yesterday I stopped at Spinrite and got some red cotton yarn to make a few hats and scarves. That will have to wait till the latest pair of socks are finished.
On Saturday Jenny and I started to work on a "Quiet Book "
It's just what it sounds like. The book is made out of fabric and has lots of interesting things to do for smaller kids. I used to make them years ago for the Mennonite Relief Sale and according to Jenny she never had one for herself. Since lots of her friends are having babies she decided to learn how to make one herself, with help from mother that is. Pictures will follow as we get the pages done.
I have kept my ammarillis bulbs over the years and have had some success with getting them to bloom again. Usually I put them outside in the ground and dig them up in the fall. Last year I put them in large pots on the deck and they did very well. Up to now 6 have bloomed, most with multiple stems with a few smaller ones to come yet. Those and the blooming orchids make it colorful in the house.
For years I always hoped for a cardinal at the bird feeder. When finally one showed up just before Christmas I was very pleased. He was a little skitterish and as soon as he saw a reflection in the window he was gone.
Over time he must have gotten used to us and would sit for a short period of time on the sill in the kitchen window. Then one day Laurence heard a strange noice and here was the cardinal, flying again and again in the window for about 5 minutes and then he would disappear.
Then I remembered a neighbour, complaining of a cardinal doing that same thing over and over again. I wonder what it sees in the window. It always is at about the same time of the day, later on in the morning. This morning I happen to be close and have my camera handy and I managed to get a few pictures. Most did not turn out. By the time I took the picture, the bird was long gone.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Yesterday was our guild meeting and like most other months I made a day out of it. I make a list of things to do and yesterday it took all morning to get the things I needed .Jenny will be here this coming week-end and we will be working on a few craft projects.
More about that next week.
To get ready I had to clean up and I found a few kimono's I had made.
It was a shame to put them back in the drawer. I came up with an idea for a small quilt. I put a few stitches of sashiko on the side ,fused the background around a piece of Timtex and sewed the en
ds with a zigzag stitch. Before I fused the back, I stitched the kimono to the front in a few spots. I have a few more kimono's and plan to make a few more of these small quilts.
I have been appliqueing these tulips and I had fun finding the right fabric. All the pieces for these tulips came out of one piece of Phil Beaver fabric. I had bought it out west a few years ago and never found a good project to use it. Now I would have liked more. You get this effet by cutting very selectively and it does not take long and the "best" spots have been used.
As I mentioned, yesterday afternoon was our guild meeting. As usual in February the programs in done by members, since the weather quite often is bad. Not yesterday. It was above freezing and sunny.
We had our annual chair sale and I was very, very lucky. I arrived early and spotted one of the earlier books by Elly Sienkiewicz, the one I did not have, for $1, yes that is $1. I bought that right away. Then I spotted a piece of fabric I have looked for for a long time and got that for $2. It is not often that I'm lucky, but yesterday was my day. Five members had each a 10 minute demonstration and as usual you always learn a few things. All in all a good day.
Wednesday, February 09, 2011
Farmer Hofstra
Wednesday, February 02, 2011
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