Last week we finally were hooked up to the Internet....kind of. Either it worked perfect or not at all.
We phoned back to the company on Monday and yesterday the technician came out and put a receiver on the top of the roof. Better...but still no sigar.
He came back today and put a bigger receiver on the roof and so far so good. This is as good as it will get I was told.
Now to the transportation. Last week hubby skidded through an intersection in town and got hit by another car. The car is in the garage and will be gone for another week or so.
Now I can drive the big truck, but that one let us down yesterday. It was the day to take Riley for her yearly check-up at the vet's. Half way there the truck just stopped dead. We had to get the tow truck out. Since there was not enough room for all of us and the dog in the cab, I had the first time experience of driving backwards in the cab of a towed truck with a slobbering dog. Riley thought it was great. I could have done without. So we are down to the old "chore" truck and and that one is not fit to go anywhere,except the barn. It is a job just to get in the door, that with all the tools, shovels and you know what
I did get some work done. The koi I found in one of Susan Briscoe's books. I did them in sashiko with an overdyed pearl cotton. I found a small piece of fabric with koi and put that in the center. It is machine quilted. Since this blue fabric was from Japan and only 14 inches wide I ended up with nothing for the binding. I used a piece of striped fabric. I sewed it down on the wrong side and hand sewed it to the front, so I got the right strip showing up front.
I'm almost finished with the second baby quilt .More about that next week.

You deftly combined sashiko with machine quilting. I like it very much.