Let It Snow
by Renske Helmuth
(center is 73/4 by 43/4 inches)
Hand appliqué and machine embroidery.
The inspiration for this landscape came from an old postcard I received years ago. It took a while to find the right blue fabrics, but it was a fun piece to make, even the countless French knots for snow.
Springtime in the hills
by Renske Helmuth
(center is 9.5 x 7.5")
Hand appliqué and hand embroidery.
Threatening skies
by Renske Helmuth
( center is 71.5 by 6 ")
Hand appliqué and machine embroidery.
I made this small piece for a Christmas gift. After the appliqué and embroidery I took it in and had it mounted behind glass. This will show one of these small pieces of really well. The drawback is that they are hard to transport to workshops and trunk shows.
by Renske Helmuth
(center is 9 x 7")
Hand appliqué and machine embroidery.
I can just picture these on greeting cards to share with others. Very, very nice quilts!